Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hier ein interessanter Artikel ueber Peter Schmid den "Vater" unserer Haengematten.

Author: Bjoern Jahner
Quelle: http://www.farang-magazine.com/ (9.Sept. 2011)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Try and lie before you buy !

Sometimes it's quite difficult to discribe the experience of lying in one of our superb new hammocks. So, we gathered all our engineering skills and built two simple hammock stands, which we have now in our main shop and our Moonmuang shop in Chiang Mai.

So now you can try all of our 5 different hammock types, and convince yourself that they are even better than what our publicity says ! If you have time, come on over to one of those two shops, and experience what it's like to sink away in one of our new hammocks. - A whole new way to relax !